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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Mad Men Dress Challenge 2 ... You in?

The results are in! CLICK HERE to see all your AMAZING MAD MEN dresses!! Congratulations everyone!!

Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2

Fabulous ladies and gentlemen, lovers of vintage and prettiness:

It's the most wonderful time of the year, and I ain't talking about Christmas. I'm talking about ...

Mad Men.

Yes that's right, the new season starts in April and that means a whole new bevy of stunning vintage dresses, hair and makeup.
And what better way to celebrate this momentous occasion then to welcome back the ...

Find a dress from Mad Men that you love and create your own version. It doesn't have to be an exact copy, you can just be inspired by the style.
Maybe you've recently made a dress already. You're welcome to submit that also!

Below is an example of a dress that was inspired by a Mad Men dress but not an exact copy:

Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2
Click on the photo to see the blog post

And here's one that is a copy:

 Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2
Click on the photo to see the blog post

Why take part:
Why the heck not!
Group challenges are a great way to try something new, push yourself and set yourself a challenge. It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or a pro, it is so rewarding to see what everyone has made and to take part in it!

It's also a great opportunity for new bloggers to give their blog exposure! On the flip side it is also a fabulous way to discover amazing new blogs to follow.
It's a great source of  inspiration when you can look through all the amazing finished vintage creations. Who doesn't love a vintage frock. Am I right?!

Email to me by April 19th:
  • A photo of you wearing the garment that you made
  • A photo of the inspiration dress
  • A link to your blog post showing your finished dress so that readers can check our your site! Make sure you blog about your garment before you send me the images so that I have a blog post to reference. Don't have a blog? No worries! You only need to provide your blog details if you want to. Plenty of people took part last year who didnt have blogs.
  • Your first name (or fancy blog alter-ego)
  • Email the above to Julia@juliabobbin.com – I will respond with a confirmation within three days that I have received your email.
  • Got any questions? Feel free to email me :)

For those of you who want to let people know they are taking part in the challenge, check out the blogger button in the side bar with the HTML code.

Below is an example of a Mad Men dress I made based on a dress the lovely Joan wore.

Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2
Click on the photo to see the blog post
Due By:
Send the above details to me by Friday, April 19th – that gives us about eleven weeks to create a masterpiece!

The Blog Post:
I will then post up everyones photos and blog links on Sunday, May 5th – My Birthday month, how appropriate.

Here's one more Mad Men copy-cat. Obsessed much?

Julia Bobbin, Mad Men Dress Challenge 2
Click on the photo to see the blog post
Need Inspiration?

Head over to my Mad Men pinterest board for lots of pics of fabulous get-ups from the show.

So ... You in? I can't WAIT to see what everyone comes up with!!

Well looky what we have here ...

photo curtesy of my husband Robin

On other news ... um ... I had a baby!
Little Harry was born January 13, 2013 at 12:31pm weighing 7lb 11oz and as cute as a button! Our insides turn to marshmallow when ever we look at the little fellow. I mean COME ON! Would you look at that cuteness?!!
photo curtesy of my dad Michael

I am also pleased to report that Harry has excellent sewing hands.
Our family is very blessed :)
photo curtesy of my dad Michael

photo curtesy of my husband Robin

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Tube skirt, a bump and a group challenge coming soon

Hello 2013 you sexy thing you!

Here's me at 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant (but who's counting) and looking it.

Recent Project

 Julia Bobbin

I'm wearing a tube skirt I knocked together with a stretch knit from Tessuti fabrics that I bought a long while back. Aren't I a good girl using fabric in my stash instead of buying more?!! I'm so good at sticking to New Years resolutions ... in the first week of January ... whatever.

This skirt took about ten glorious minutes. I measured the widest part of my lower body (good Lord the circumference of my bottom is what? WHAT?!!!) and then cut out the fabric in one big square, doubling the width. I then stitched the one seam line down with the overlocker, and hey-presto I have a new skirt to cover my my cankles. Though they are so swollen at the moment they look more like two necks. But hey, it's all worth it :)

Group challenges on the horizon

Julia Bobbin

Start thinking gorgeous Mad Men dresses, as there is a Mad Men Group Challenge 2 coming soon!

Last years Mad Men challenge introduced us to some amazing vintage dresses with clothes inspired by some of our favourite small screen sirens such as Joan, Betty and Peggy.
I am so excited to see what we come up with this year!

Click here to see all the amazing contributions from last years challenge.

Julia Bobbin in Germany
(well ... sort of ...)

Wait a second, who's that cheeky young seamstress lurking in the corner of the magazine there...

Julia BobbinJulia Bobbin

Oh Hay! It's just me, hanging out in the German BurdaStyle magazine issue 1/2013. No big deal...

Ever seen a 38 week pregnant woman trying to do cartwheels? It aint pretty (our lounge room will never be the same).
In this little snippet I'm wearing Burda pattern #7494 and you can see the blog post about the dress here.

Julia Bobbin

Good way to start the year don't you think!?!

A special thank you to Esther and Inges who spotted me in the BurdaStyle magazine and sent me pictures!  My poor husband, I am going to be impossible to live with now :)

Baby Watching

Seeing as I'm only a week and a bit off my due date, baby could come any day now. Or baby might set up camp and not come for another four weeks! Cheeky little thing.

If I am suddenly MIA in the blogging world you'll know that I have met my little bundle of joy and am thoroughly distracted by cuteness. Once things settle down I'll be back in action.

Here's a few sneaky little shots of some baby clothes that I have made.
 Julia Bobbin
simplicity 2264 - silk dupion and organza, zipper closure

 Julia Bobbin
kwik sew 3946 - cotton, button closure

We don't know if it's going to be a boy or a girl so I've made both types of clothes. Clearly I've gone a little crazy with girl clothes, but they're just so pretty! The embroidered H is the first initial of our family surname.  I like my baby clothes extra cheesy :)

Julia Bobbin
kwik sew 3901  - cotton, button closer

Julia Bobbin
simplicity 2264 - cotton, zipper closure

Thank you to everyone for your kind words and well wishes. I'm so excited it's ridiculous!